Digestive Enzymes for Better Health

The Enzyme Advantage

We all need enzymes, they create energy within the body.  Enzyems are known as "The energy of Life".
Without enzymes, our bodies do not properly break down food.  When food is not broken down properly, our bodies do not absorb vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are needed to function at its best.                                                
All life depends on enzymes
We are all born with a certain number of enzymes.  Think of it as a bank account you have a certain amount of enzymes.  Once you use them all they are gone, and do you now what happens when they are all gone?  Premature aging, disease and death.
So how can we hold on to our enzymes and live a longer fuller life?  One thing that "withdraws" enzymes very quickly is the process of breaking down food, especially cooked foods.  
Your body has to slow down on all it's other functions, to digest a meal.  It is drawaing on a lot of enzymes to do this.  Do you ever get tired after a big meal? That is because the body is shutting down or reducing other systems so it can send all it's needed energy to break down the food you just ate.
The Secret Power of Raw Fruits and Vegetables
A way to make "deposits" in your enzyme bank account is to include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.  The reason for this is really AMAZING.  Raw fruits and vegetables come with their own enzymes.  That's right, they are already in there.  This means that they are not taking way from your bodies enzyme reserves. This is nature working at it's finest.  All foods in nature come such as fruits and veggies.
Enzyme Advantage by Purium Health Products are what I use to break down my food and keep my lean and mean body running in tip top form...
There are 3 types of enzymes
Metabolic enzymes -emitted by our systems such as our tissues and organs
Digestive enzymes - they have the task of breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Alimentary enzymes -these enzymes come from raw live foods that begin the digestive process. . These enzymes take and put together carbohydrates, proteins and fats in order to maintain our healthy bodies.
Cooking kills all alimentary enzymes, therefore a lack of these important enzymes reduces the production of metabolic enzymes and in turn everything is weakened and exhausted calling upon the reserves in our bodies. The end result is a weak sick, aging degenerative body with a poor Immune System, toxic cells, acidic tissues and overworked organs.
If you are eating a lot of cooked food and enzyme supplement is a good idea to help break down your food.


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