Meet Your New BFF - Skinnybits

Meet Your New BFF Skinnybits

The wonderful people at sent me Skinnybits to review. I was super excited when they arrived in my mailbox.  I have known about the powers of Spirulina for a long time but somehow forgot what an amazing super food it is!
Skinnybits are made of 100% organic Spirulina algae.  They stop hunger, help with weight loss and give you energy, all for only one calorie per tab.  They are loaded with protein and omega 3 and will fill you up for hours.  How great is that!
Let me give you a little education on Spirulina.  First Spirulina is a food and NOT a supplement.  It has been used for over fifty years, especially in Asia and it is a nutrient dense food that has the highest concentrations of protein, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, antioxidants and vitamins in the world.
Algae is so highly regarded it has been declared the “most nutritionally dense FOOD” by The World Hunger Bank and the United Nations.  NASA has been using algae with their astronauts for over fifty years.
“One Gram of algea has the nutritional equivalent of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables”
Getting more nutrition in your body = less hunger, less fatigue and weight loss.  When your body is truly nourished at the cellular level your cravings diminish and your appetite reduces.  So many women are walking around in a constant state of hunger.  They are doing the opposite of what their bodies truly need, not feeding it enough high quality nutrition.
SkinnybitsSkinny Bits
Skinnybits are such an easy way to get more protein, vitamins and nutrition in your body quickly.  They come in large bags of 1,000 tabs or you can put them into the small travel tins so you have them on hand.  They are great to throw in your purse or gym bag.
Skinnybits are great for:
▪   Helps with weight loss
▪   Reduces hunger
▪   Reduces cravings
▪   Reduces mental fatigue
▪   Reduces mental fatigue
▪   Reduces anemia
▪   Reduces blood pressure
▪   Reduces cholesterol
▪   Balances blood sugar
▪   Aids digestion
▪   Provides most of daily nutritional needs
▪   Safe nutrition for anyone of any age, from children to seniors
▪   Low fat, low calorie, high protein, high chlorophyll
▪   Nutrition on the run – a handful is a “bit” of a meal
▪   Highest known concentration of antioxidants
▪   100% alkaline which balances all body functions
▪   Raw food, great for vegans or those who hate greens
▪   Improves Athletic Performance and workouts
▪   Improves skin, hair, bones and eye health
▪   Builds healthy blood, cell tissue and muscle
▪   Builds immune system
▪   Aids wellness and longevity
That is some long list of benefits!!
Skinnybits are easy to take, I recommend not chewing them (see photo) but swallowing them with a glass of water or one of my Hydration Creations.
For me Energybits are the bomb for my weight training and muscle building.  Would you like your muscles to have rapid access to muscle building protein?  Energybits have the highest concentration of protein in the world (over 60%), all in amino acid form so it quickly converts to glucose.
Bring on the muscle baby!!
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