If you would like to share your story with the world just send me two photos and a short paragraph about your fitness journey and we will post it here!




I have always been active. Never over weight in my life. Staying at home with my greatest accomplishment our 2 boys, Logan & Landon, I found myself too *comfortable*. I saw a picture of myself that I did not recognize. Or Like. So I started my journey back into fitness. I had been a CPT for almost 10 years in the 90′s. I DECIDED NO MORE. I DECIDED to work hard and find myself again. But not just an *ok version* of me. But the BEST me I can be. Not just for myself, but for my husband, and our boys too.
Picking up the heavy weights again for the first time in quite awhile. Just a little girl from TX with BIG FITNESS dreams. It is truly a journey. Not happening as fast as id like. But it WILL happen. I am blessed beyond measure and we live an amazing life. I am so grateful to God for our precious family♥ Finding *ME* again is just cake. A healthy cake of course…. ~Smile~ Wendy Beauchamp”

Cheyenne P

New Jersey

Cheyenne Medina-Prawdzik is the founder of Fitness4Moms & Women, LLC, an elite in-home and online personal training company for women only.  In addition, Cheyenne is also a proud weight loss success story, a certified personal trainer, and a three-time national fitness champion.  Most recently, she is honored to be named Mrs. Camden County United States 2012. Cheyenne is a mother of “two amazing angels” and a wife of seven years to an amazing husband.  After giving birth to each of her children, and gaining more than 95 lbs. during each pregnancy, Cheyenne’s weight loss story has been one of inspiration to many women.  Shortly after her first pregnancy, Cheyenne’s goal was to not only lose her pregnancy weight, but to also enter a national level fitness competition.  She taught herself the basics of a more healthy lifestyle and began a regimen of exercise drills and proper daily nutrition.  Within one year, she entered a national fitness figure competition and won!  As a national fitness champion, Cheyenne proved that mothers can still be both healthy and beautiful!


“I want to live a full life, without the complexes that overweight brings”     
Working behind a desk, post-pregnancy, a sedentary life and a dreadful diet was what took me to weigh 287 lbs, with only 64 inches tall, during a 10 years period.
I was always a thin girl and practiced volleyball during my adolescence but when I married and had more responsibilities, I started to forget about exercise to the point of not doing any at all.  When I gave birth to my daughter Valerie that’s already 11 years old, I rapidly began to gain weight.  Everything in my life was the house, work and family; exercise was completely eliminated.
Years past and I continued gaining weight without control.  My job of Administrative Manager in a manufacturing company would keep me sitting down for more than 7 hours and had a dreadful diet at the same time.  I would wake up in a hurry leaving to work without eating breakfast.  In many cases I would skip lunch.  When I got home exhausted I would help my daughter with homework, cooked and did household shores.  When I finally sat down to eat, I would do it with an excessive appetite and rapidly going to bed.  I had stopped and boycotted my metabolism completely, living a totally sedentary life.  


Suzanne B

Southwest Harbor, Maine

My name is Suzanne and I am 42 years old. I am the mom of four wonderful kids. My “before” picture was taken in 2002. This was the year I completed my first marathon, the MDI Marathon, in a time of 6 hours and 47 minutes. It was hard work being so heavy, but I finished. I realized I was carrying around a lot of baggage in my life (both in pounds and emotionally) and in 2004, I finally started to take charge of my lif
I began a weight loss journey, and then started running in earnest. I came back in 2007 to run the MDI Marathon again, and this time finished with a time of 4:31. My journey has continued and is still evolving. My best marathon time is 3:51; I was less than 2 minutes from qualifying for Boston! This July, I will complete my first ultra marathon, which is 50k distance. Just in this past year, I have learned about clean eating, so that is becoming a part of my journey along with weight lifting. I will compete in MDI again this fall, but after that I would like to take a step away from distance running and focus on body building.
Laura, you have been a great inspiration to me.
Thank you.

Miriam C

Boca Raton FL

I can’t believe that was me 4 years ago.  I remember back then I had resigned myself to the fact that I was older, closing in on my 40s, with two kids and that because of all these facts I would never have the body I had in my 20s and I would of course never be able to wear a bikini again.
Thank goodness I proved myself wrong!  It happened by chance that a trainer came up to me one day at the gym and asked me if I was interested in trying out a couple of free sessions and who turns down a free session?  hahaha!  Well, I got hooked from that point on to working out with weights.  I remember before I thought to myself that’s not for women.  I don’t want to be bulky.  I don’t want to build big huge man muscles.  hahahaha! Little did I know my body needed it.  4 years later, I’m 42 years old and I’m not only wearing bikinis, I’m competing in bikini competitions! :-)

Katie M

One of the biggest things I was concerned about before E was born was wether or not I’d be able to bounce back both physically and mentally. Call me vain, that’s ok.  But honestly, that was a concern.
When I was pregnant I ended up gaining around 55 lbs.  It stings to say it, even now. Everything I heard and read talked about 25-30 lbs being a realistic weight gain.  I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t always work that way.  No matter how well you eat, or work out during.  Your body will do what it wants to do.  You can help it but I DEFINITELY couldn’t control it.
Once E did finally make his appearance, my mind started the clock…how long would it take for me to get back to prebaby weight?  When would I be able to work out the way I use to?
I’ll give you the ending to the story first…I WAS in fact able to get back to prebaby weight.  In fact, I’m 5-10 lbs under (depending on the day) and holding steady.
Here’s my top 5 easy tips for getting back to your desired shape:



When I read Laura London’s Mission Statement “Inspire and motivate you to achieve your goal’s and dreams and be your best at any age”, the “at any age” really caught my attention.  You see, I’m 56 years old and I have a dream of being in a figure competition.
Then when watching one of her U-Tube exercise videos she said if anyone had any questions, just e-mail her.  It took some time for me to e-mail her.  I didn’t think she would answer because she is so big in the industry but one day I e-mailed her a simple question, “Did she think I was to old to get fit?” and you know what–SHE ANSWERED!  That simple e-mail has changed my life!
It started a journey of fitness that I never want to end!  I signed up for her coaching program and my journey started.  Laura gave me the tools that I so desperately needed to get started and to stay focused.  I now have a binder with her picture on the front that I take everywhere, and in that binder I have my daily eating plan that she wrote for me, my workout plan for each day that she designed for the goals that I wanted accomplish.
I will have those Laura London’s AB’s!

Kathryn N.


I met you back stage at he the CJ Classic and let me just start by saying thank you so much for your help that crazy day.  I think I must have changed 20 something times and was so nervous. Then you came over absolutely beautiful inside and out and helped to sooth my nerves me and give me your advice. I have always thought of you and have always wanted to say thank you so much for being such an inspiration and a help that my first show.

I love what I do and train 6 days a week and eat clean. I am working on my NASM Personal Training certificate and I would like to continue to inspire others and make a difference in peoples lives.
I wanted to attach these two pictures so there is a face with the name. They are exactly a year apart, one from the CJ classic and the one before the transformation. I lost 50 lbs. and went from 38% body fat to 6% for the show.  I did this with hard work and determination, all on my own and brought my own package to the stage.

Sue B.

North England

Hi, my name is Sue and I live in North England I had been overweight most of my adult life, putting weight on, going on a silly diet, maybe losing a little, but of course, it would all come straight back on very quickly. I am type one diabetic, which means I am insulin controlled, and I blamed my weight a lot that. I just made excuse after excuse.
Then, in 2010, I had my second marriage, and at the time, I thought I looked like the bee’s knees. I was quite overweight, I was just trying to say I didn’t care, and I still looked great. I couldn’t look at my wedding pictures without feeling sick with disappointment and embarrassment.
Those pictures were the kick up my backside that I needed. I started my journey of clawing back my physical best.  I had a lot to learn, and relied on cardio. I did cycling, aerobics and DVD’s, long story short, I managed to drop forty pounds, and then came the real job of maintaining. I had discovered the joys of strength training, and invested in a set of dumbbells.


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