Interview with FitTagious


Laura London - The Green Goddess

Personal transfomation can happen to anyone.  Take Laura London for example: "Sharing my transformation story in my 40's is so important, because there are so many women out there going throughout the same struggles."

At 46 years-old and with 3 kids, London has seemingly defied mother nature completely.  Luckily her journey to a life as a fitness goddess is well chronicled on for those who want to follow in her footsteps.
"We women/moms have so many responsibilities, kids, house, work, bills, homework, exercise that we somehow loose ourselves and forget to take care of ourselves while taking care of everyone else. By me sharing my story of change, it creates the ripple effect. If I can help inspire one woman to improve her health and fitness, then in turn she will do the same and we will start to realize that we can and need to make the time for ourselves."

Now a personal trainer & nationally ranked fitness competitor, this green goddess has the key to your personal transformation.  Just check the links below & worship a few more of her pics while you're at it:


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