10 benefits of Using Resistance Bands

10 Benefits Of Using Resistance Bands

DynaPro direct asked if I would like to review the Prograde Resistance Bands and I jumped at the chance.  The reason why?   It is because I am a firm believer in continually changing up the exercises that you perform.  Keeping the body guessing what exercises are coming next makes for a beautiful and strong body. 
I have all three ProGrade Resistance Bands. They are the best bands I have ever used. They have a comfortable grip D-handle, and the bands all feel super strong. I use them to train clients in their homes or at the park and I use them myself when training at the gym. People keep asking to borrow them. 
Prograde Resistance Bands
If you are looking to add equipment to a home gym, these are perfect. You can get a full body workout and never even have to leave the house. Great for travel too. Now there are no excuses not to workout.
Resistance Bands

1.  They work and target smaller muscle groups than using weights alone. 
2.  Resistance bands engage your core muscles, the bands want to pull you in one direction and your abs have to work to keep you stable.
3.  You can use them just about anywhere and are great for travel.  No excuses not to exercise on a business trip or vacation. 
4.  Resistance bands use more than one muscle group at a time such as lunge with overhead shoulder press.
5.  Resistance bands can be used by any fitness level. From beginner to advanced, to young or old.
6.  Resistance bans are simple to use and super effective.  
7.  You can vary the resistance by using different bands with different tension such as the Prograde Resistance Bands ,which come in different color/tension. 
8.  You can use them in both push or pull exercise movements.  Like a chest-press or an up-right shoulder row. 
9.  Resistance bands are cost effective and great to add to a home gym.  
10.  They are fun to use and will kick your booty!
 Prograde Resistance Bands


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