Your Gut is Your Second Brain

Your Gut is Your Second Brain

What Does Your Gut 
Have To Do With Your Mood

Your gut, aka "inside your belly", has been proven to be your bodies literal "second brain". For years, the medical world has been trying to figure out what causes our moods to change and what causes common problems that most of us face like stress, anxiety, and even depression.

These are common problems, and we know they are linked to serotonin, but did you know that 95% of serotonin isn't even produced in the brain? Serotonin is actually produced in the gut. 
What we put inside of our bellies is directly related to our emotional health. Our gut consists of bacteria and we need that bacteria to have a healthy balance or the rest of us will not be balanced including our mood.

Your gut and your brain work together, so if one is out of balance the other will be also.

Have you ever had an upset stomach because your mind was stressed? Well, think about it, if it works one way it works both ways. There have been many scientific studies that have linked mood problems to gut problems and vice versa.


Is your gut balanced with 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria? That is the recipe for a healthy gut and a healthy mood. The best way to make sure your body has healthy bacteria for your gut is to feed your gut healthy bacteria. Some symptoms of an unhealthy gut include gas, bloating, nausea, sugar cravings, and more.

The best way to make sure that your gut is getting the healthy nourishment it needs is through probiotics. Probiotics can be in pill form, or you can get them right through your diet. Excellent sources of probiotics include kefir and fermented or cultured foods and beverages.

With all the crazy food marketing, millions of diets and some very crazy diet advice we have lost contact with our own body.  We need to zone into our GUT and start to listen to it and our own inner voice.
In nature animals always listen to their gut intuitively, they know exactly what to eat and what not to eat.  How does an animal know which berries are good for them and which are poisonous?  There is no book or manual to tell them, they listen to their GUT.

It's time to tune back in to your own gut, time to make that mind body connection.  I teach you not only to do it in the gym with exercise but in the kitchen with food and in your life. 

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Laura London


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