VitaJuwel Gemstone Glass Water Bottle

glass water bottle
Can a water bottle get any better than this! I am so excited to share with you my new favorite water bottle. TheVitaJuwel Gemstone Glass Water Bottle. When I first saw it I was hooked. I love gems and the benefits of their healing powers.
Long ago people in ancient Egypt and other cultures, people believed gemstones had a wide array of health benefits. Some use gemstones as part of their spiritual practices to restore energy fields, gain peace, and promote love and safety. In some belief systems, gemstones are placed on certain areas of the body, called “chakras,” to promote healing.
Are thinking why gemstones in a water bottle? Water is life and all experts agree that water cabe restructured and “informed” in many ways. The famous “Water Dr.” Dr. Masaru Emoto who wrote the New York Times bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water” (which I suggest you read) verified that water treated with the Vitajuwel gem vials regains its original, natural energy and thus is comparable to fresh spring water.
The Hidden Messages In Water
Water is not just H2O! World-famous scientist and bestselling- author Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that vivid water features a sublime crystal silhouette. The photo to the left, taken by the HadoLife lab, which was co-founded by Dr. Emoto, shows a crystal of regular tap water.
After 7 minutes with a VitaJuwel gemstone vial, the crystal changed its shape completely (right photo), becoming harmonic and vital. VitaJuwel – gemwater has a crystal structure that is comparable to pure spring water.
German scientists have proven that water becomes more alkaline and the oxygen content increases with VitaJuwel gem vials. The tests showed: With VitaJuwel, drinking water reaches a quality level otherwise only found in natural spring water.“
I could not open the package fast enough I was so excited to try my gorgeous water bottle. I have the Fitness gemstones in my bottle I like to call my water “Fitness Gem Water”.

Red Jasper:

  • Helps with energy levels including mental activity.
  • Regulates temperature, helps with circulation, and oxygen supply in the blood.
  • Helps with tiredness.


  • Detoxifies, lowers acidity good for the stomach, intestine & gall bladder.
  • Helps relieve pain, colic, migraines, headaches, sore muscles.
  • Also helps with nausea, heartburn and pain.

Clear Quartz:

    • Distributes energy, alleviates pain, lowers high temperature.
    • Harmonises nerves, glands & hormones.
    • Increases the effect of other crystals
There are many different combinations of gempods that you can use in your VitaJuwel:
Five Elements
The VitaJuwel bottle are lead-free and are designed in the German Alps and made by master glassblowers . There are 17 different gempods to choose from.
glass water bottle
I take my water bottle and use filtered water from my Berkey Water Filter which removes toxins and fluoride from the water. Then I let the water sit in the bottle for 7 to 10 minutes to let the water adjust and let the crystals work their magic.
There is a great accessory for the VitaJuwel called the ViA +T where you are able to infuse your gem water with your favorite tea or add fruit, ginger or herbs to enhance your VitaJuwel water.
glass water bottle


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