5 Minutes of Organic Beauty with Laura London

5 Minutes of Organic Beauty with Laura London

5 Minutes of Organic Toxic Free Beauty

Hi, and welcome to my bathroom! Today I am stepping out of the gym and going to talk to you about the importance of what you are putting on your skin and how it effects your body, your hormones and your health.

My passion is to help you live your life fit,healthy and as natural and organic as you can.

Essante Organics is the company that I use for my beauty and home health. The company holds the most prestigious Seal Award in the Personal Care Products Industry.  "THE TOXICFREE" Foundation Seal
Remember, you are not only what you eat, but what you put on your body too!

Did you know a product can be officially certified "USDA Organic", and still contain as much as 30% toxic &/or carcinogenic chemicals.
Search the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep Cosmetic Datebase to find out what is in the products you are putting on and in your skin everyday.
I think you may be shocked.


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